
Clipdiary Alternatives

The best Clipdiary alternatives are CopyQ, Ditto and Clipy. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 50 apps similar to Clipdiary for Windows, Mac, Linux, ...

Ditto Alternatives for Windows: Clipboard Managers

2023年10月23日 — ... Clipdiary a good alternative to Ditto? Yes. No. Clipdiary has no features, suggest some! ClipClip icon 11. ClipClip · Clipboard Manager; Free ...

I stopped worrying about it when I installed the Ditto ...

2022年1月5日 — The Ditto clipboard entries are not as visually bulky as the Windows clipboard history entries. The Ditto window can be resized, the Windows ...

7 Best Clipboard Managers for Windows

2022年2月10日 — With Ditto, you can save just about any type of information, be it text, images, HTML snippets, or anything else. All your clippings are saved ...

Ditto vs. ClipClip

2022年2月23日 — Aside from the familiar UI and fundamental tools and functions, Ditto is outperformed by ClipClip in nearly all other aspects of performance.

Ditto, ClipMate, ClipboardFusion, CopyQ, ClipClip

2021年8月25日 — I've been using ClipClip for about 5 years now. I've tested Ditto. And CopyQ, but they've either just looked ugly, or had issues with not ...

Need a free clipboard managerlogger

2023年3月14日 — Thanks this one is similar to Clipdiary i found, they both work pretty good for what i need http://clipdiary.com/ ... Like they've said Windows or ...

Ditto VS Clipdiary

Based on our record, Ditto seems to be a lot more popular than Clipdiary. While we know about 60 links to Ditto, we've tracked only 4 mentions of Clipdiary. We ...

Recomended Clipboard Manager

2016年10月13日 — I use Ditto an open source application from sourceforge - HERE It keeps a list of clipboard saves and allows them to be pasted selectively.


ThebestClipdiaryalternativesareCopyQ,DittoandClipy.Ourcrowd-sourcedlistscontainsmorethan50appssimilartoClipdiaryforWindows,Mac,Linux, ...,2023年10月23日—...ClipdiaryagoodalternativetoDitto?Yes.No.Clipdiaryhasnofeatures,suggestsome!ClipClipicon11.ClipClip·ClipboardManager;Free ...,2022年1月5日—TheDittoclipboardentriesarenotasvisuallybulkyastheWindowsclipboardhistoryentries.TheDittowindowcanbere...